15 Best Herbs To Grow In Pots


You might be wondering why you should bother growing herbs in pots when you can just go to the grocery store and buy them.

But there are several good reasons to grow your own herbs. For one, it’s cheaper in the long run than buying them from the store. In this article, you'll learn about fifteen different herbs that are perfect for pot gardening herbs, so that you can get started today!

What Are The Best Herbs To Grow In Pots?

  1. Basil

  2. Bay

  3. Chives

  4. Cilantro

  5. Lavender

  6. Lemon Balm

  7. Lemon Verbena

  8. Marjoram

  9. Mint

  10. Oregano

  11. Parsley

  12. Rosemary

  13. Sage

  14. Tarragon

  15. Thyme

Our Favorite Herb To Grow In Pots

Taking the time to find and invest in high-quality herb starts (small plants to plant in your herb pot) is well worth it. When you find a special variety of herb and plant it in a pot, you could potentially enjoy that herb for years to come! 

Some herbs we have kept around for a very long time and that have become pillars of our spice cabinet include: Italian oregano (not Greek!), lemon thyme, and African blue basil. 

These are herbs that not all nurseries carry and have taken us some investigation to track down. Now that we have them, we don’t want to let them go because we know how hard they were to find, and what a treasure they are in the kitchen. 

In addition to some of the best herbs we like to have around, I’ve shared some of the best medicinal herbs to grow for those looking for holistic remedies to aid certain health issues.

Next time you’re at your local nursery or plant sale, chat up the sales person to see if they have recommendations for the best tasting or most unique varieties of culinary herbs in stock.

15 Best Herbs To Grow In Pots

Growing your own herbs is not only a great way to brighten up your décor, but it's also a great way to have access to fresh herbs all year round. If you're interested in growing herbs from seeds we provide more information on how to get started on our blog. But if it makes sense to just buy the herbs, here are the fifteen herbs we recommend growing.


Basil is a great herb to grow in pots because it's easy to care for and doesn't require a lot of space. It also attracts beneficial insects, which can help keep your garden pest-free.

It's an easy herb to grow and does require regular watering.

There are several different types of basil, including sweet basil, Thai basil, and holy basil. Choose the variety that best suits your needs. Since basil likes the sun you'll want to make sure to place your pot in a sunny spot so the herb can get the most sunlight.

Some herbs that you can grow together with basil are bay, chives, cilantro, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, and thyme.

When it comes to which size pot to get, you don't need a big pot for growing basil. A small pot or even a window box will do.


Bay is the best herb to grow in pots because it is an evergreen that can withstand cooler temperatures. This herb is easy to grow in pots, and it prefers well-drained soil and full sun but can tolerate some shade. It also has a strong flavor that can be used in a variety of recipes.

Herbs you can grow together with bay include thyme, rosemary, and lavender. These herbs all prefer well-drained soil and full sun but can tolerate some shade. They also have a strong flavor that can be used in a variety of recipes.

Bay grows best in a pot size of at least 8 inches and the soil that's full of organic matter. In addition, make sure to give your bay plant plenty of space to grow, as it can get quite large.


Chives are the best herb to grow in pots because they are small and easily manageable. They don't require a lot of space, and they are very easy to care for.

Chives are easy to grow, and they will thrive in a pot with well-draining soil. Plant them in the spring, and they will grow throughout the summer. Chives can be harvested at any time, and they will continue to grow back if you cut them back regularly.

Another reason why chives are easy to grow is that they do not need a lot of sun, but they will grow best if they receive some direct sunlight each day. Place your chive pot in a spot that gets at least four hours of direct sunlight each day.

When growing chives in a pot, you will need a pot that is at least six inches wide and six inches deep. Some herbs that you can grow together with chives include lavender, thyme, and mint. These herbs will all thrive in a pot with well-draining soil, and they can be harvested at any time.


Cilantro is an herb that is very easy to grow in pots. This herb is easy to grow, loves sunlight, and does not require a lot of water. 

Some other herbs you can grow together with cilantro are basil, thyme, and parsley. You will need a pot that is at least 10 inches wide and 12 inches deep for cilantro. The pot should have drainage holes in the bottom.

Cilantro is used for its leaf, but if you let the plant grow until it flowers and eventually produces seeds, you will have another herb altogether: coriander.

You can harvest your cilantro seed when it turns brown and finishes drying it by hanging it in your kitchen. Typically recipes call for ground coriander, so you will want to take the seed off the stem and store it whole in a jar until you are ready to grind it.


Lavender is the best herb to grow in pots because it is a hardy plant that does not require a lot of care, it has a beautiful scent, and it can be used to make lavender tea or essential oil.

If you are looking for an easy-to-grow herb, lavender is a great choice.

Lavender does best in full sun, but it can also grow in partial sun or even in shaded areas. In addition, some herbs you can grow together with lavender include mint, chamomile, and lemon balm. These herbs all have different scents, so they will make your garden smell nice.

In order to grow lavender, you will need a pot that is at least 8 inches deep and 10 inches wide. You will also need to make sure that the pot has drainage holes.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial herb that is the best herb to grow in pots because it is easy to grow, has a long harvest season, and doesn't require a lot of care.

Lemon balm likes a lot of sun. But it will also do just fine in partial shade, especially if the temperatures are hot.

Some good herbs to grow with lemon balm are lavender, chamomile, and rosemary. These herbs all like similar growing conditions and will help to keep lemon balm healthy.

You will need a pot that is at least 12 inches in diameter. This herb can get up to 3 feet tall, so you will need a pot that is tall enough to accommodate its growth.

Lemon Verbena

Lemon verbena is a perennial plant that is best suited for growing in pots. This herb is known for its lemon-scented leaves, which can be used to make tea, flavor food, or scent soap. Lemon verbena is also drought tolerant and can be grown in areas with limited water access.

If you are looking for an easy-to-grow herb, lemon verbena is a good choice.

Lemon verbena prefers full sun, and some herbs that grow well with lemon verbena are mint and basil.

Other good herb combinations to try include:

  • Rosemary and thyme

  • Sage and lavender

  • Chamomile and lemon balm


Marjoram is a great herb to grow in pots because it is a perennial that grows back each year, and it doesn't take up a lot of space. It also has a strong flavor that can be used in many dishes.

Marjoram is an easy herb to grow, and it does well in pots. Just make sure to give it plenty of sunlight and water.

This herb likes a lot of sun. But, if you live in an area with hot summers, you might want to give your marjoram plant some afternoon shade.

Some other herbs that you can grow together with marjoram include:

  • Chives

  • Oregano

  • Parsley

  • Rosemary

To determine the size of pot you will need for your marjoram plant, first decide how much space it will need. Marjoram plants can grow up to 18 inches tall so you will need at least a 12-inch pot.


Mint is a great herb to grow in pots because it doesn't need a lot of space, and it spreads quickly. It's also a versatile herb that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

If you're looking for an easy-to-grow herb, mint is a good choice. It doesn't require a lot of space, and it spreads quickly, so you can easily grow several plants in a small pot. Mint is also versatile and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Some other herbs that can be grown together with mint include:

  • Basil

  • Parsley

  • Cilantro

Mint does well in a pot that is at least 8 inches deep and 12 inches wide. If you want to grow several plants in a pot, you should use a pot that is at least 24 inches wide.


Oregano is the best herb to grow in pots because it is a perennial that can be grown in many climates.

There are many types of oregano, but the most popular is Mediterranean oregano. This oregano has a strong flavor that is perfect for adding to tomato sauces, pizzas, and other Italian dishes.

Oregano is a very versatile herb and can be used in many different ways. It can be dried and used as a spice, or it can be fresh and used as a garnish or ingredient in salads.

This herb does not need a lot of sun, but like most herbs, it does need at least six hours of sunlight per day. It grows well in a pot that's at least six inches deep and has a diameter of at least 12 inches.

If you live in a climate where the winters are very cold, you will need to bring your oregano indoors when the temperature drops below freezing.


Parsley is a great herb to grow in pots because it is a hardy herb that can tolerate colder temperatures. Parsley is also a versatile herb that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.

Parsley is an easy herb to grow in pots. Simply plant the parsley seeds in a pot filled with soil and water regularly. Parsley will grow quickly and will be ready to harvest in a few weeks.

Some herbs that can be grown together with parsley include basil, thyme, and mint. These herbs are all hardy plants, too, and can tolerate colder temperatures.

If you are looking for the right size pot to grow this herb, aim for a pot at least six inches deep and six inches wide which will be sufficient enough to grow parsley.


Rosemary is a great herb to grow in pots because it is an evergreen that doesn't need to be replanted every year. It also has a strong flavor that can be used in many dishes.

You may think all herbs are sun-loving plants, but Rosemary is one of those herbs that grow well in partial shade, making it easy to maintain and care for.

Some other herbs that you can grow together with rosemary are thyme, sage, and lavender. These herbs also have a strong flavor and are easy to care for.

When growing Rosemary in a pot, you want to make sure to use a pot that is at least 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches deep. This will give the rosemary plenty of room to grow.


Sage is the best herb to grow in pots because it is a perennial that doesn't need to be replanted each year. It also has a long flowering season, making it a beautiful addition to any garden.

Sage is an easy-to-grow herb that does well in pots. It doesn't require a lot of care and can thrive in a variety of climates.

There are a few different types of sage that you can grow in pots. The most common type is Salvia Officinalis, which has blue flowers. There is also the Salvia lavandulifolia, which has purple flowers, and the Salvia clevelandii, which has pink flowers.

Some other herbs that you can grow together with sage include thyme, rosemary, and basil. These herbs are all perennials that don't need to be replanted each year, and they also have a long flowering season.

To grow this herb in pots, you will need one that is at least 12 inches in diameter. Also, the pot should have drainage holes in the bottom to allow excess water to escape.


Tarragon is the best herb to grow in pots because it is a perennial that will come back year after year. It also has a long blooming period, so you will be able to enjoy its beauty for a long time. Tarragon is also very easy to care for, making it the perfect herb for novice gardeners.

Some herbs that you can grow together with tarragon include chives, parsley, and thyme. These herbs are all easy to care for and will grow well in the same pot as tarragon.

Tarragon is one of those herbs that will grow well in partial shade, and you'll want to use a pot that is at least 12 inches in diameter to give it enough room to grow.


Thyme is a great herb to grow in pots because it is low-maintenance and drought-tolerant. It also has a pleasant aroma, making it a perfect choice for containers near entrances or patios.

If you are looking for an easy herb to grow in pots, then thyme is another good option. It does best in full sun but can also tolerate partial shade.

Some herbs that you can grow together with thyme are oregano, sage, and rosemary. These herbs all have similar growing needs and will thrive when grown together.

Another good rule of thumb when growing thyme is to use a pot that is at least 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep. This will give the roots enough room to spread out, and the plant will be less likely to become rootbound.


There are many different herbs that you can grow in pots. The best herbs to grow in pots are those that are low-maintenance and drought-tolerant.

Some of the best herbs to grow in pots include thyme, oregano, sage, and rosemary.

When growing herbs in pots, it is important to use a pot that is at least 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep. This will give the roots enough room to spread out, and the plant will be less likely to become rootbound. 

If you are looking to learn more about growing herbs and their benefits, be sure to read our blog posts! We have a variety of posts that cover everything from how to get started with herb gardening to the best herbs to grow.

Best Herbs To Grow Related Questions

What is the best soil to grow herbs in pots?

The best soil to grow herbs in pots is a potting mix that is light and well-drained. You can find this type of soil at your local garden center. An alternative to getting soil from a local garden center is to make your own potting mix. You can do this by combining one part potting soil with one part compost.

What are the easiest herbs to grow in pots?

The easiest herbs to grow in pots are basil, oregano, chives, and mint. These herbs do not require a lot of attention or care and will thrive in most types of potting mixes.

How often do you water herbs in pots?

Herbs in pots should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. Depending on the size of your pot and the type of herb, you may need to water your herbs everyday or every other day.

What herbs should not be planted together?

Herbs that should not be planted together are mint, sage, and rosemary as they can compete for nutrients.

Herbs To GrowKellan MacKay