Herb Garden Ideas: Rectangular Herb Garden Layout


You're at a loss for what to do with that patch of unused land in your yard. You've wanted to put in a garden, but you're not sure where to start. You've heard about herb gardens, and you think that might be the perfect solution for you. But how do you go about designing one?

What Is A Rectangular Herb Garden Layout?

A rectangular herb garden layout is a great option if you have a limited amount of space. The plants are organized in neat rows, which makes it easy to access them and care for them.

You can plant a variety of different herbs in a rectangular garden, or you can focus on one type of herb. If you choose to focus on a single herb to grow, be sure to choose an herb that requires the same level of sunlight and water.

If you're looking for a layout that is both efficient and stylish, a rectangular herb garden might be perfect for you. This type of garden is easy to design and can be tailored to fit any space. You'll get all the information you need to create your own rectangular herb garden in this article.

Select a Site for Your Rectangular Herb Garden

A rectangular herb garden layout is great for folks who are serious about their herbs! 

Imagine your own mini herb farm right outside your door. Straight lines indicate order and will help you keep your garden maintained and free of weeds. 

A rectangular herb garden with straight lines will also increase your yields, and is great for someone interested in drying herbs to make spice blends, teas, or tinctures. 

A rectangular design also allows you to clearly mark each herb and its variety so you can get to know each of your plants and their botanical and variety names.

When selecting a site for your rectangular herb garden layout, consider the following factors:

Sun: Your herbs will need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. If your garden is in an area that doesn't get a lot of sun, you may need to consider growing taller herbs in the back of the garden so they don’t completely shade out other plants.

Soil: Herbs prefer well-drained soil, so be sure to select a site that has good drainage. If your soil is heavy and wet, you can mix in some compost or peat moss to improve drainage.

Climate: Herbs can be grown in a variety of climates, but some herbs thrive in warmer weather while others do better in cooler weather. Be sure to choose herbs that will grow well in your climate.

Easy Access: When designing your herb garden, be sure to place it in an area that is easy to access. This will make it easier to care for the plants and harvest the herbs.

Determine The Size of Your Rectangular Herb Garden

Once you've selected a site for your garden, it's time to determine the size. The size of your garden will be determined by the amount of space you have available and the number of herbs you want to grow. If you're limited in space, you can still grow a variety of herbs by planting them in pots or containers.

When planning your garden, be sure to include a drawing of the layout. This will help you visualize how the plants will be arranged in the garden. You can use a simple sketch or a more detailed plan.

When planning your garden, be sure to include the following in your layout:

  • pathway for easy access

  • an area for planting the herbs

  • space for a compost bin or garden tools

  • seating for relaxation

  • water source

Once you have your layout planned, it's time to select the herbs you want to grow.

Plan Out The Theme of Your Rectangular Herb Garden Layout

The first thing you need to do is decide what theme you want your herb garden layout to have.

This will help you determine the size, shape, and placement of your garden.

Do you want a traditional Herb Garden with a rectangular shape and classic herbs like basil, oregano, and rosemary? Or maybe you want a more modern approach with a free-form shape and drought-tolerant plants like sage and lavender.

Decide which herbs to grow

The next step is to determine which herbs you want to grow in your garden. If you’re not sure which ones you want, consider what you like to cook with or what kind of flavors you prefer. You can also research which herbs are best for specific purposes, such as making tea or repelling pests.

If you are still undecided on which herbs to grow, check out our post on the best medicinal herbs to grow.

Where To Plant Tall Herbs?

Tall herbs like basil, oregano, and rosemary can get leggy and fall over if they don’t have support. For this reason, it’s best to plant them in the back of your garden or along the edges. This will help them stay upright and prevent them from taking over other plants.

Where To Plant Shade-Loving Herbs?

If you want to grow shade-loving herbs like mint, cilantro, and parsley, you should plant them on the north side of your garden. This will protect them from the hot afternoon sun and help them thrive.

Herbs You Should Place In The Center Of Your Garden

In the center of your garden, you can place herbs that benefit from full sun, such as lavender, sage, and thyme. These herbs are drought-tolerant and can handle being in the sun all day.

Plants That Do Well Together

Some plants do better when they’re planted next to each other because they help each other grow. For example, tomatoes and basil love each other—basil helps repel pests that like to eat tomatoes. Marigolds also make great companion plants because they help deter harmful insects.

If you’re not sure which plants do well together, there are plenty of resources available on Khela Herbs' blog. You can sign up for a consultation with Khela herbs to help you create a plan.

Rectangular Herb Garden Layout Border Ideas

One option for borders around a rectangular herb garden is to use a wooden frame. This can be made from any type of wood, and the size of the frame will depend on the size of your herb garden. You can either build the frame yourself or purchase one online or at a home improvement store.

Another option for borders around a rectangular herb garden is to use bricks or stones. This can be a bit more challenging to set up, but it can look very nice once it's finished. You will need to lay out the bricks or stones in a rectangle around your herb garden and then use mortar or adhesive to hold them in place.

Unique Rectangular Herb Garden Layout Ideas

If you're looking for a unique way to lay out your herb garden, consider these two ideas for inspiration. These types of gardens lend themselves well to straight lines and can be easily divided into separate sections.

Rectangular Roof Garden

If you have a flat roof, consider using it as an opportunity to create a beautiful and unique herb garden. This type of layout is perfect for those who want to grow a large variety of herbs, as you can easily section off different areas for each one. You can also use herb garden planters to add height and interest to your garden.

Some common places where you will find a rectangular roof garden are on the roofs of apartment buildings and houses, in public parks, and on the grounds of larger institutions such as schools or hospitals.

Rectangular Garden Pond

If you have a pond in your backyard, you can easily turn it into a stunning rectangular herb garden. This type of layout is perfect for those who want to create a tranquil and relaxing space. You can use aquatic plants to add interest and variety to your garden.


There are many different ways that you can lay out a rectangular herb garden.

The most important thing is to choose a layout that will work well for the space that you have and the type of plants that you want to grow. With a bit of planning, you can easily create a beautiful and functional herb garden that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Looking for more inspiration? Be sure to check out our post on herb garden designs for more ideas on how to create the perfect herb garden for your home.

Rectangular Herb Garden Layout Related Questions

What is the best way to lay out a rectangular herb garden?

The best way to lay out a rectangular herb garden will depend on the space you have available and the type of plants you want to grow. Some common options include using a wooden frame, bricks or stones, or containers to create borders around your garden. You can also section off different areas for each type of herb you want to grow.

What are some good herbs to grow in a rectangular herb garden?

Some good herbs to grow in a rectangular herb garden include lavender, sage, thyme, mint, cilantro, and parsley. These herbs are all drought-tolerant and can handle being in direct sunlight.

What is the best way to water a rectangular herb garden?

The best way to water a rectangular herb garden is to use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system. This will help you to evenly water your plants and prevent overwatering. You should also consider adding mulch to your garden to help retain moisture.

How far apart should herbs be planted in a rectangular herb garden?

Herbs should be planted about 12 inches apart in a rectangular herb garden. This will allow them enough room to grow and spread out. You can also use containers to grow herbs in a rectangular herb garden. This is a good option if you have limited space or if you want to add height and interest to your garden.