Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse 4 oz

Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse 4 oz


This herbal hair rinse is a blend of apple cider vinegar, mugwort, nettles, and rosemary essential oil that's perfect for rebalancing the pH of your scalp and promoting hair growth. Our products are free of harsh chemicals and are safe for all hair types. Whether you are dealing with hair loss due to chemotherapy or simply looking for a way to inspire new growth, this product is perfect for you.

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    • mugwort

    • infused apple cider vinegar

    • nettle tincture

    • rosemary essential oils

  • Before shampooing, mix 1 part hair rinse to 4 parts water in a bowl or container.

    Apply mixture to scalp and hair, massaging gently into the scalp. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Use once or twice a week for best results.

  • As with any new product, test on a small area first to check for allergic reactions. If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately. If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare provider before use.


Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse FAQs

What is Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse good for?

Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse is good for a number of things. It can help to soothe the scalp, relieve itchiness, and promote hair growth. Additionally, it can help to prevent dandruff and keep the hair looking healthy.

How do I use Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse?

To use Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse, mix one-part mugwort with two parts water. Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair, massaging it in for a few minutes. Rinse it out with warm water. Repeat this process a few times per week for the best results.

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Why choose Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse?
Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse is a good choice for those who want to improve the health of their hair. It is gentle and can be used frequently without causing any damage. Additionally, it is affordable and easy to find.
What other herbal products can I use with this?
There are a number of other herbal products that can be used in conjunction with Mugwort Nettle Hair Rinse. These include: 1) Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil has stimulating properties that can help to promote hair growth, 2) Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil can help to soothe the scalp and relieve itchiness, 3) Lavender Oil: Lavender oil has calming properties that can help to reduce stress and promote hair growth.